EKF's experience with MBA and EMBA*: are we afraid of sending employees for training?

June 17, 2022

"Aren't you afraid of investing in employees? What if they take training and then leave the company?" — it is a frequent question that's about time for an answer.

EKF's experience with MBA and EMBA: are we afraid of sending employees for training?

"Aren't you afraid of investing in employees? What if they take training and then leave the company?" — it is a frequent question that it’s about time to answer. The larger the company, the greater the need for quality management. Long ago we concluded that it is not enough to pump up the knowledge of one team leader — we needed to train the whole team; we realized how beneficial it was across the board that we could only continue the practice. Our managers are constantly being trained in MBA programs and some of them are enrolled in EMBA in the world’s best universities. The advantage of such training is that employees can put newly-acquired skills immediately into practice. And there is no shortage of networking. They communicate with colleagues from different sectors, share knowledge and experience, and then implement them in their own fields. At first glance, it seems like a costly quest, but in fact, the investment quickly pays for itself and yields dividends. In addition to outsourced training, EKF has an internal corporate university where top managers and outside experts provide in-house training. Regarding the main question of the post: no, we are not afraid. We are more afraid that we won't teach our employees and they will stay with us. How often do you train your staff? Where and what?

* MBA is a management training program for middle-rank managers and top managers as well as entrepreneurs. Executive MBA is a training program for experienced leaders and top managers with long service.