World Environment Day serves to highlight environmental issues

June 7, 2022

Environment focus is not just a lifestyle, it's a habit. Even small but regular steps are beneficial.

World Environment Day serves to highlight environmental issues

On the occasion of World Environment Day we would like to share our eco-habit. We have 300 people working in our office every day. If we consider that each employee uses 1 plastic cup per day, we get an annual use of 72,000 cups. In view of this, we present branded cups to each EKF Company employee. They use them instead of disposable plastic cups. This is part of our induction process.

Each habit is developed over 21 days.
We invite you to take our Challenge.
Choose one eco-habit and follow it for 3 weeks.

Post a photo with hashtag #EKF_ecochallenge. We will award the most active participants with eco gifts.