Industrial sector — important development area for EKF

December 7, 2021

What challenges do large companies face today?

  • Automation of production and supporting processes;
  • Energy-efficiency enhancement;
  • Reduction of carbon footprint and preservation of environment.
Industrial sector — important development area for EKF

What steps should be taken to reach this?

  • Remote monitoring of power quality so that there is no need to keep unnecessary staff in workshops;
  • remote control of equipment and electricity;
  • programming of equipment operation through automatic process control systems;
  • installation of frequency converters for asynchronous motors.

Over the last two years we have been actively developing our range of equipment for production automation, measurement of electrical parameters and we have been preparing necessary solutions based on these aspects.

For a modern company automation is convenient and brings benefits.

We have developed controllers, sensors and measuring equipment. The latest innovation is our operator’s panel. It enables the equipment to be adjusted easily and conveniently.

Instrumentation, Control and Automation Equipment is a complex area, and so, we have prepared training materials for different categories of people. There are separate blocks for salespeople and in-depth blocks for specialists.